Tuesday, April 15, 2014

This Expo is going to be GREAT!! In short I am beyond excited. Ecstatic, I claim that great word.

I just started learning how to do genealogy work on my own. And by “on my own” I mean with at least another person in the room to supervise and make sure that I am not messing up the parts of my family tree that have already been established. But I have already been bitten to the point of addiction by this marvelous work, and I refuse to be discouraged by my inexperience!  I feel there is almost no better way for me to spend at least half an hour a week. I am discovering some really amazing resources out there that are SO easy to use! And I have just barely scratched the surface. This expo is going to fill in so many holes and probably just overwhelm me with how much great information that will be offered for attendees to use and learn from.

Please mark it on your calendars NOW, and while you are at it, REGISTER HERE so we at least know that someone is planning on attending.

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